Monday, July 16, 2012

Scott Pilgrim - Game Review

Alright so I was with my friends this weekend and we played the Scott Pilgrim video game on the story mode for four players and it was freaking awesome. I usually have a lot of trouble with X-Box controls because I have always been a Play Station girl, but this was surprisingly easy to get he hang of. I really enjoyed the game and all of my friends and I were into it! Seriously we played for maybe four straight hours (well two in the morning and two at night)(and its not easy to keep their attention!!!) and when the game finally froze on one of the last battles we all groaned and noticed how long it had taken us. We turned the game off after that. XD Well let me start by saying the characters were SO CUTE! All of the characters were much more attractive in the game than they were on the commercials for the movie. (Haven't seen the movie yet) Ramona actually seemed pretty sweet and adorable, I am definitely going to read the mange after this. So obviously I was intrigued by the character design and the story, it takes A LOT for a video game to make me read the actual book it is based off of. I am especially wondering about Ramona's ex's. I would like to know WHY Scott has to fight them. Like so they want Ramona back? Is it a pride thing? What's going on there?! My friends refused to tell me anything about it. :/ (that really annoyed me especially since one took all of the manga for it and shoved it in my face. I almost slapped him. ) Well Scott Pilgrim is every nerd's fantasy apparently XD I have to admit it sounds pretty appealing to me to, but I'm a romantic so I guess that's why. Well not only were the character designs cute and the plot interesting (enough for me to want to know more) but it was a great game. the game play was simple and easy and I picked it up in a snap so this game it totally noob friendly! :D Which is good for me because I'm a gamer noob. I was also surprised at the multi-player mode. Sometimes they are really crappy and one person will be having a great time while the other is having a horrible time. But in Scott Pilgrim everyone HAS to work together, not only that but there are other aspects that unite the players as a team. For instance if you're character dies, another person can bring you back to life while someone else guards the one who is bringing you back. Once you're down you can borrow lives from others, and finally, in the stores you can loan money to your friends. (I LOVED Ramona's special abilities by the way. I played as her and she was BAD ASS! Seriously, one of her regular moves she pulled a freaking Thor hammer from her purse! XD One of her special moves is swinging her bag in a circle which is GREAT for pushing back a lot of enemies, she has this cute little kick that really packs a punch where she will kick someone behind her, and FINALLY she has an amazing special ability where she calls up about a gallon of coffee and gives all of the players in your party this boost. From what I could tell the boost helped you defense, made you faster, and made your attacks a lot stronger as well. -its an awesome boost!-) So here's the conclusion, if you are like me and you play video games for the story, not the actual action and excitement, and to boot you aren't that natural of a gamer, then Scott Pilgrim for the X-Box is perfect for you and your friends to play because the multi-player mode is easy for EVERYONE to get into it and really unite you guys as a team.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Update: Playlist and Dilemmas

Soooo the old playlist wouldn't play automatically anymore and that was totally lame that you had to like click on it and make a pop out player just to experience the blog, so I switched it. I'm still working out some kinks, trying to get it to play automatically and stuff but for the most part this one seems okay. The only thing I dislike about it is one, the player doesn't fit on the page right, its too big, and the music is from youtube videos......which get deleted.....alot....if you have seen the Anime Lovers Delight youtube play list you will notice that it went from 8 awesome 3..... :/ so yeah. That is kind of a hassle. Also, I loved the song White from the movie White....but I'm too afraid to listen to iiiiitttttt! DX