Monday, November 23, 2009

Lets Start Main Stream

Alright everyone, for the first few posts I'm going to review some old anime's so you can get a feel for my views on animes and what makes them GRRREAT! Let me ask you this, how better to enter a new blog about mainly anime than through some reviews of mainstream - what I like to call "Gateway" - animes?NONE! The first two I will do will be of everyone's favorite anime 'Naruto' and of another great anime 'DeathNote'. The third I will be reviewing will be stepping into the past with 'SailorMoon'. I believe that these three animes can give you a feel for what I do and do not like in my anime. I hope that this will help you to continue reading my blog if you enjoy my opinions. I will be making these posts through the rest of the week and I hope that you all will enjoy reading them.
SPOILER: On my next three blog entries you will read three reviews of 'Naruto', 'DeathNote', and 'SailorMoon!' The sad thing is, is that you will unfortunatly only be reading 2 happy reviews, one of these reveared animes will be ripped to shreds ruthlessly and without mercy. Think you can take? Then I'd keep reading. >.O see you in my next blog entry.

~Sincerly as Always, Signed
Alleigh Brown
((P.S. I knwo the annoying txt colors, are well, annoying, in my reviews I will be typing in black. I assure you. this is oddly uncomfortable to read but this is how i will be typing the updates. Sorry for the inconvienance. *kowtows* ))

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