Monday, December 12, 2011

Convention Skills - Beautiful Hair and Skin

We all know that Japanese women have crazy secrets that no one else in the whole world know. We are all jealous and all girls wish they knew those age-old secrets for beautiful hair and skin. Well here's your edge! With this new Convention Skill you can get beautiful hair and skin not only for the anime convention that is coming up, but also all year round! Yay!

Conventions are all about the show. We load on the make-up and the hair products to get our face looking like a perfect, beautiful doll and our hair to look as silky and straight as a real life anime girl. Well, lets face it, while we look dazzling at the convention, the next day our make up is smeared and our hair is a hot mess. All that make-up, hair gel, and straightening does a number on the health of our skin and hair...that being said you want to make sure that you dive into the convention with healthy skin and hair and you want to be able to repair your skin and hair afterward...So lets get on with it! Below are some easy, inexpensive, home remedies that are simple and easy to do. I hope you enjoy using these as much as I do!

Yogurt Facial – For Dry or Dull Skin


Yogurt is amazing for skin because it has a soothing and gentle, yet dramatic, effect. If your skin is dry or dull you can use a yogurt facial to hydrate and revitalize your skin. It’s natural, easy, and convenient because you most likely have all the things you will need for it laying around your house somewhere. Yogurt is cool, thick, and creamy and it’s a very refreshing, luscious feeling as you apply it. Your face will feel like its really being pampered! You can do this before a party, while you’re watching TV, or just because you deserve a little treat.

Things You’ll Need:

1. Plain, natural yogurt (Don’t use flavored yogurt or yogurt with sugar in it!)

2. A makeup brush


Start with a clean face. Take your make up brush and get a heavy amount of the yogurt on it. Apply a generous amount over your entire face evenly. Let the yogurt sit on your face for five to ten minuets and then wipe it off with a cool, damp cloth. Then you’re done! Your face should now be hydrated and glowing.

After - cleaning your make-up brush:

Make up brushes can actually begin to get very dirty as you use them more and more. They can begin to hold excess make-up and bacteria and can actually affect the health of your skin. You will want to wash all of your brushes at some point, but for now you just finished spreading yogurt all over one and you’re going to need to wash it.

Things You’ll Need:

1. Your dirty make-up brush

2. A working faucet

3. Soap (shampoo, hand soap, or body wash will do)

4. A towel


To clean your make up brush you'll want to run it under water with the bristles facing downwards. Apply some hand soap, shampoo, or body wash to your hands and gently massage it into the bristles. Slowly add a little water at a time until the soap has been completely washed out. Dab the brush dry and then lay it out to let it finish drying naturally. You will want to take care with your make-up brush as you do this so that you can avoid loosing too many bristles.

Aspirin Facial – For Oily Skin and Acne


Aspirin has acetylsalicylic acid in it, which is similar to salicylic acid that is in most acne products on the market today. Because of that, aspirin facials are great for people who have oily skin or acne problems. Using this treatment a few times a week will not only soften your skin, but it will help to clear away acne and blemishes. It also helps with control oil. The aspirin facial will leave your skin feeling soft and refreshingly clean!

Things You’ll Need:

1. 5-10Aspirin (It can be solid or powdered)

2. A small shot glass sized glass or a small bowl

3. Water

4. Toothpick (or something along those lines)


5. Plain, natural yogurt

6. Plain honey

7. Lemon juice

(Note: If you use solid aspirin it will be more of an rough texture that can help to exfoliate your skin while if you use a powdered aspirin it will be a much gentler texture, however both will have the same cleansing effect.)


First, if you are using solid aspirin you will want to crush it up, then pour the aspirin into the small glass or bowl, the glass should ideally be about 1 fluid once in size. Fill it up half way or three fourths of the way with water. You should only really need a generous few tablespoons to a little less than a cup of water for this part.

Here is where you would apply the optional ingredients. You can use a table spoon of yogurt, a few drops of lemon juice, and/or a TINY bit of honey. If you’re skin is rather dry but you still have acne, you may want to use some of the honey or yogurt because it will help to hydrate your skin, the lemon juice is better for people with oily skin though. It’s really a preference thing and if you can experiment using different amounts of the optional ingredients to get a recipe that is perfect for your ideal skin conditions.

Now stir your ingredients together with the toothpick or whatever you chose, you may want to stir it together throughout the application as well.

Start with a clean face then apply the mixture all over your face, chest, and or back; you can also use it to exfoliate your hands a bit if you’d wish. “Scrub” your face with it a minuet or two and then let it sit for five to fifteen minuets depending on how oily or sensitive your skin is. Wash it off with cool water. This recipe works best for people who have oily skin and/or acne problems, if your skin is easily irritated you may not want to use this because aspirin is a pretty strong ingredient.

Yogurt/Olive Oil Hair Treatment – For Dry Hair


If your hair is dry or dull you can use this recipe to help your hair in so many ways. A yogurt and olive oil hair treatment will make your hair shinier, silkier and healthier by replenishing natural oils that can sometimes be lost by using shampoos with harsh chemicals in them. This is especially great for people who have dry hair with split ends. After one treatment like this your hairdresser will be asking YOU for tips!

Things You’ll Need:

1. Plain, natural yogurt

2. Olive oil

3. A hair clip

4. You’re regular shampoo and conditioner


5. A brush of some sort


Mix two cups of plain, natural yogurt with one and a half tablespoons of olive oil. Evenly distribute the mixture all over your hair, if you have dry ends or split ends then you may want to layer it on your ends a little more heavily than the rest of your hair. (For distributing the mixture throughout your hair you can use your hands or you can use a brush of some sort) Wrap your hair up in a bun or in a clip and keep it gathered up some way. Keep it away from your neck and shoulders. Let the mixture stay in your hair about ten or fifteen minuets then go and take a shower or at least wash your hair. (If you want extra shiny hair then you may want to use cold water.)

Start by rinsing your hair thoroughly then take some shampoo and conditioner and wash it how you would normally to make sure you get all of the mixture out of your hair otherwise it may come out looking and feeling a bit heavy or greasy. Let your hair dry and if it feels or looks greasy you will want to go and rinse or wash it again. Afterwards your hair will be hydrated, soft, and silky!

Green Tea Sauna – For Clogged Pores



We all know that after wearing make up several times, or even just because of natural oils that our skin produces, our pores can easily get clogged and begin looking dirty and more noticeable. Not only are clogged pores an appearance issue, but they can also lead to acne and other skin blemishes. This home-made green tea sauna will help to clean our your pores and revitalize your skin. Green tea has loads of antioxidants in it that will help your skin be healthier and more beautiful while the steam helps to clean our your pores. The heat is relaxing to your muscles so this is great to do after a stressful day and it will feel like your in a real spa!

Things you will need:

1. A large pot that you can boil water in.

2. 2 towels

3. Water

4. A few green tea bags.


Start with a clean face, remove any make up and possibly cleanse your face before starting this process for best results.

First boil a generous amount of water in the pot and put in the green tea bags.After the water has come to a boil and the tea has steeped in it a few minuets, get you’re first towel. (You will want this towel to be fairly large.) Lean over the pot as the steam rises and drape the towel over your head so that it traps in the steam and it all gets to your face.

Take caution here, the steam will be extremely hot after a few minuets. Let your face steam for about five minuets then take a little break and, using your second towel, dab your face with some cold water to cool off. Make sure this break is at least three minuets long to make sure your face gets enough cooling down time.

Now repeat the process until your face has gotten at least fifteen minuets of steaming time. If you are sensitive to heat you may want to take the steaming in shorter time intervals, do whatever you are comfortable with.

Once you’re done, finish up with dabbing your face again with cold water and then get a piece of ice and rub it all over your face, it will feel great and it will help close your pores. Now dry your face and admire it because now your pores should be cleaned out and appear smaller.

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