Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cosplay Ideas?

So MTAC is coming up and I'm going with a huge group of friends. Time to start stalking up on fake eyelashes and what not right? lol Well one of my favorite things about anime conventions is getting a chance to cosplay! Yeah! We decided we would do a huge group cosplay as kingdom hearts together and it will be totally awesome, I called dibs on Aqua (cause she is awesome)and now I have to find two more cosplays.

Well one more really, I want to go as Rin from Daughters of Mnemosyne sunday because sundays we are like packing up and its hectic and crazy and just like whoa! lol And Rin's costume is pretty simple, she wears a green suit and glasses XD so yeah. And I like doing laid back costumes the last day of the con., partly because of what I just said, and partly because the night before I usually stayed til' three in the morning raving! XD haha I'm a dancin' animal! XD *Ahem* anyways, so yeah. You don't want to save your best cosplay for last. :/

For my first cosplay I thought that I would go as Beatrice from Umineko cause her golden witch party dress is just stunning, but I found that it was really hard to find in good quality. Cosplaying is just so expensive that if I don't LOVE the costume, then I just can't afford to buy it. :/ sad right? Well anyways, if its isn't good quality, I'm not paying over 100 dollars for it. I just wont. So now I'm left find another awesome cosplay. :/ And the search goes on. I've considered a few different ones but none of them really works, you know?
I tried:
Beatrice - Umineko
Victorique - Gosick
Zelda - Twilight Princess
Yomi - Ga Rei Zero (

Well who knows, maybe I can come up with something better after I compile a list of all the anime I've seen and all the anime I need to see and my favorite girls from animes. :)


  1. Thanks for the advice. I never know which costum to wear on which day :)

  2. Hey dont know if you would remeber me but at mtac 2012 we meet briefly cus you said you reconize me from other
    If so this is beettlejuice/gaara/loki fron the con
    Iv actually been lookin for a way to contact ya if so lol
    We didnt get to hang at the con

    Im on facebook
    And my email is
